Thank you for considering the 132nd Virtual Wing as your online community for flying multiplayer in DCS. Please read the below before deciding to apply; we focus on realism and use tactics & procedures based on those in real-world of military flying, and it takes a certain level of commitment and dedication to virtually fly in this way.
Below you will find the application requirements and an overview of the application process. For questions about the application process, or a pending application, please contact us at 132ndvirtualwing@gmail.com, or talk to Command Staff on Discord.
Please review the links on this page as follows:
- 132nd Rules
- Training Programme
- Software Requirements
If you are happy to accept the rules by which we operate, and align with our approach to realism and training, and can comply with our software requirements, then please read on.
We are looking for experienced pilots to join 132nd Virtual Wing; therefore, we expect successful applicants to be competent with the systems of their chosen airframe, and to be able to fly it safely in all modes of flight, including skills like air-to-air refuelling etc. We are not able to accept applications from brand new virtual pilots who have just started their flight simulation journey; we teach trainees how to fly in our multiplayer environment, not the basics of how to fly their aircraft. With this in mind, our training program is set up as a combination of self-qualification and Instructor Pilot (IP) mandatory training flights, and although we are happy to support you through your training as needed, we encourage trainees to self-qualify whenever possible to reduce the load on our IPs.
General Expectations
Realism: We look for applicants interested in playing DCS as the full-fledged combat simulator that it is. Our main emphasis is on simulation, realism and immersion, as we believe that the most fun in DCS can be achieved when all members do their best to simulate flying an aircraft in a combat environment, at least as far as can be achieved while sitting in front of a computer.
Training: All new members must be willing to complete our Initial Qualification Training (IQT) and Mission Qualification Training (MQT) programs. This is to ensure that all members fly to the same standards using the same procedures.
Training Commitment: We expect a minimum commitment of 3-4 training flights per month from Trainee and IQ pilots. If a Trainee / IQ pilot is absent for more than four weeks, they will be removed from the training programme to allow another Trainee to start (note: if the trainee signs up for instruction, but an IP is not available, then this four-week rule will not apply). A Trainee can be added back into the training programme on their return, but they may have to wait for a position to open up.
Training Events: We run regularly scheduled training flights on Wednesdays at 2000 Central European Time (CET), and either training or combat missions on Sundays at 2000 CET. Other events, either training or casual flights, are scheduled quite regularly during the week in addition to Wednesdays and Sundays, but you are expected to make yourself available on Wednesdays and Sundays for your training.
Skills: As stated above, we expect applicants to be able to safely fly their chosen airframe in all modes of flight.
Language: Applicants must be proficient in the English language; English is used as the official language during multiplayer events.
Hardware: Your PC must meet the minimum requirements for DCS. Users with PC specs below the minimum can adversely impact our multiplayer flights. Note that we use software to simulate real-world radio communications, and a headset with microphone is mandatory for this. We also strongly recommend a HOTAS joystick and throttle system, separate rudder pedals, and some kind of head tracking device (or a Virtual Reality headset).
Software: You must be willing to use the DCS install that meets the 132nd Virtual Wing standard install guide, including our mandatory mods. Please note that at the time of writing, we are on the Open Beta standalone (not Steam) version of DCS, in order to take advantage of the latest updates to DCS as they are released. You will need to be on this version in order to join our server.
Age: We are a group of adults and applicants must be 18 or older. We expect our members to be both mature and reliable; if a trainee shows during training that he or she does not meet these criteria, we reserve the right to terminate their training.
Time zone/Location: Due to practical reasons and concerns about latency/ping, your location needs to be relatively close to our server, which is currently located in Germany. What constitutes "close" depends on many factors, but as a rule of thumb you should be within ± 2 hours from the CET time zone, and your latency should not exceed 150ms. If in doubt, ask Command Staff on TeamSpeak or on Discord and we will perform a latency check to confirm.
The "75 hour rule": In order to encourage commitment from members, and to avoid burning out our IPs with constant and repetitive training sorties, we require all pilots to have flown a minimum of 75 hours in their current airframe before requesting to train in another. Another primary purpose of this rule is to discourage applicants requesting to train in a squadron that is open for recruitment because their preferred squadron is not available, and then asking to change to their preferred squadron when recruitment reopens.
Waiting lists: When squadrons are closed for recruitment, we do not run waiting lists. If your preferred squadron is not available at the time of applying, please check back regularly and apply when it is. Joining us on our Discord server may also help with staying up to date with our recruitment status.
Overview of Application Process
- Read this page
- Read the rules and regulations via the links on this page
- If what you read aligns with your goals, navigate to the bottom of this page, and press "apply here"
- Check the recruiting status of the squadron / airframe you wish to fly; if it is closed, you will need to wait until it opens before applying
- When completing your application, please make sure you include which squadron you wish to join by selecting it on the webpage, and also include it in the words of your application
- Your application will be reviewed, and Command Staff will respond to you via email
Callsign guidelines
- Callsigns should be a single word, or multiple words joined together (e.g. MadMan, WildCat)
- Callsigns should not sound similar to an existing member's callsign, including a variation of it (e.g. Hawk / Hellhawk or Ghost / Madghost etc)
- Callsigns should be easy to understand and pronounce
- Make sure your callsign is not an operational brevity word (e.g. Rifle, Tally, Remington, Bingo)
- Callsigns cannot contain numbers or special characters
- We reserve the right to request a different callsign if the requested callsign does not meet these requirements
After you've applied
- When accepting your application, we assume that you meet all the requirements outlined above
- If accepted, you will get full access to our website and resources, including official documents and SOPs
- You will need to post a “presentation” of yourself in the Presentations thread on the website forum
- Please join our Discord server
- Once assigned to your chosen squadron, you will gain access your personal qualification page and you can start your training
- Once you complete the Initial Qualification (IQ) stage of training, you will be cleared to fly on our server solo or with other and Mission Qualified (MQ) pilots
- Once you complete the Mission Qualification (MQ) stage of training, you will be cleared to fly on our Combat events, and continue progressing your skills through Continuation Training (CT)
Once you have earned your wings
Congratulations! Welcome to the 132nd Virtual Wing! We hope you will settle in nicely in a friendly group of active and dedicated virtual pilots. Everyone who earns their wings in the 132nd Virtual Wing is family and we look out for each other.
You can now participate in Combat events, including participating in events with other wings as a 132nd Virtual Wing representative.
You will receive you own 132nd Virtual Wing signature, which you can use on various forums to represent yourself and 132nd Virtual Wing.
After passing MQT you can submit a proposal for your own nose-art which will then be fitted to your aircraft.